Dubai Citizenship

The Ultimate Guide on How To Obtain Dubai Citizenship

If your planning to get dubai citizenship, this is the right place to read about how you can get started and other information you should know.

In this article, we are going to make sure we give you a clear explanation on who a Dubai citizen is and how you can apply for their citizenship status.

Also, we would be showing you all the requirements you need to meet up before you can be given the status and lastly we would give you the types of citizens that you can be or how you can get their citizenship status.

As at 2021, the United Arab Emirate opened more doors for foreigners that wish to work or be their citizens to take the opportunity through their various means of becoming their citizens.

The reason for this is to attract more investors and people with special talent or business moguls to come to UaE and establish their business or invest in them.

Those that will be dealing on property investment wi be given a special merit citizenship which is very nice.

As an investor you will be given a visa, residence permit and you will have access to enjoy some privileges which is in good way to officially start your journey to getting a second passport.

Who Needs Dubai Duabi Citizenship

If you want to be a citizen of dubai, you have to fall under any of the following categories;

1. Be a scientist

If your a scientist and you want to be a citizen you have to meet up with the following requirements

  • Having worked as a researcher in the field
  • A minimum of ten years of combined professional and academic experience
  • Presenting a letter of recommendation from a recognized university
  • Possessing at least one international honor for significant contributions to a scholarship or research grant within the last ten years

2. You are a Creative Person

If you are someone who can invent or show how creative you are, then you can become their citizen if you can meet up the following

  • Possessing at least one accolade for international achievement
  • Delivering a recommendation letter from a relevant government organization
  • Being creative in your industry
  • Possessing a patent for one or more inventions

3. Qualified specialist and Physician

  • 10 years minimum of experience
  • Becoming an expert in a distinct scientific topic and using methods in demand in the UAE
  • Membership in an esteemed group in the relevant field of science
  • Having a recognized contribution to an active scientific study

4. Investors

  • The UAE holding one or more patents
  • The Ministry of Economy or another reputable international organization has granted
  • Distributing a letter of advice from the Ministry of Economy

As of yet, there are no reliable standards in place for this category. But the most likely candidates are those who have a long-term visa and invest a sizable sum in UAE real estate or the country’s economy in general.

Those who fit the requirements and finish the legal procedures can apply to become citizens of the UAE.

The citizenship application might also include the applicants’ spouses and children.

Why You Should Have a UAE Citizenship

UAE has developed into a popular travel destination for tourists over the last few years, eventually creating a sizable expat community. Popular locations with a plethora of employment prospects include cities like Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Ras Al-Khaimah, and Al Ain.

Due to its excellent quality of life, affordable cost of living, and high earnings, the UAE has become a popular place for foreigners to settle.

Due to the excellent education and childcare options it provides, the UAE attracts both families and career-driven individuals due to the abundance of job opportunities it hosts.

UAE Application Processes

Though there are no particular processes involve in the application but if you follownthe way we are going to explain to you below, you might have a chance.

1. The Reviewing Stage

A major advisory council and its subcommittees, which are established by the Federal Authority for Identity and Citizenship, independently evaluate each candidate.

2. The Pre Approval Stage

Sub-committees review all the information and, if the candidates are judged to be eligible for citizenship, nominate them in line with the categories.

3. The Approval Stage

After the proposal has been approved, it is sent to the advisory committee, which is made up of one person from each Emirate, for the final statement.

The procedure is, however, more intricate than it first appears. Despite fulfilling all professional qualifications, you could still not be granted citizenship.

The Executive Council, the Rulers, the Crown Princes’ Courts, and the Cabinet have the last say, which is not an easy task to be honest about.

Meanwhile, The UAE Golden Visa, which enables you to live and work there, might be a more practical choice. By possessing a Golden Visa, you can participate in the program and enjoy all the benefits of an Emirate ID, as well as involve your family members.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I become a UAE Citizen?

Emirati nationality law governs who is eligible to become a citizen in the UAE. The fundamental principle of the law is jus sanguinis.

Foreigners may naturalize and receive citizenship, although the procedure is restricted because of the declining proportion of Emiratis in the population and worries over the loss of the country’s unique identity.

What are The criteria for UAE citizens?

After 30 years of residing in the UAE, one option is to naturalize and get citizenship. If a foreigner marries an Emirati citizen, they may apply for citizenship with a valid residency permit.

On the basis of exceptional distinction, the Emirati government may also grant citizenship.


That’s it on how to become a citizen of dubai and you should read this article twice to clearly understand how to go about your application.

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