Dubai passport price

How Much Does It Cost To Get Dubai Passport

Dubai passport price is some how not as expensive as that of a visa because passport is only for citizens of the country and not for everyone.

There are so many ways you can become a citizen of dubai and earn a lot of benefits and in this article, we are going to give you some of those means and equally what you can gain ad a citizen of the country. Let’s get started!!!

Benefits of Having Dubai Passport

There are numerous benefits to having Dubai passport, some of them may be as follows:

  • The capacity to travel without a visa (depending on the citizenship you own)
  • Improved access to healthcare, education, and a better way of life
    further chances for foreign investment
    entering nations without restriction
  • Take advantage of higher interest rates and tax perks.
  • Gives you peace of mind because you can always travel to your secondary nation of citizenship in an emergency.
  • Possess the ability to renounce one’s current citizenship if necessary

Dubai passport price

We are going to give you the prices to dubai passport base on where you are applying from, either abroad or inside the country, see details below;

1. For Those Appplying Abroad

The Price of application outside dubai is not the same with that of the persons that is applying inside the country.

If you want to apply for Dubai passport, you should be ready to pay between $200 to $405

2. Applying Inside Dubai

For those that are cureently in dubai and would like to apply for their passport, the processes is very simple.

All You Need To do is to head over to the immigration office and ask them for price for the price of

How To Apy For Dubai Passport

If you are redy to apply for dubai passport, we are going to give you some options then you can choose the one that is best suitable for you nd follow.

  • Application by Appointment
  • Application Through Online
  • Application by Investment

1. Application By Appointment

In extraordinary circumstances, passport applications may be submitted at an ICP Customer Happiness Center.

Unlike electronic services, offline passport applications can only be scheduled within the designated center’s business hours. Although there is just a 5-minute wait, the appointment is in almost 7 minutes.

Here, you may find the address and operating times of the Customer Happiness Center that is most convenient for you.

Please be aware that not all centers offer the service of processing passport applications, so be sure to check the list of services your center provides before traveling there.

2. Online Application

To Apply For your UAE passport from abroad, adhere to the directions listed below.

  • To access one of MoFAIC’s smart channels using UAE Pass, type in your current login information and password (available on Google Play and the App Store). If you have never used UAE Pass, you will need to create a new account.
  • Under the “Issue Passports and Return Documents” section, you can find “Individual Services” A service called “Passport Renewal for UAE Nationals Abroad” will then be available. The application will then be finished by selecting “Start Service”
  • You will soon receive a text message with instructions telling you where to go to pick up your new passport and return your old one.

3. Application By Investment

  • Buy property for at least EUR 2 million, VAT excluded (AED 8.9 million). It could be a single property or a collection of properties worth up to EUR 2 million combined.
  • Inclusion of your parents or your spouse’s parents is optional. You need to contribute an extra EUR 500,000 (AED 2.2 million) for your real estate acquisition.
  • Make two donations of EUR 100,000 (AED 4 million) each: one to the Cypriot Land Development Organization and the other to the Cypriot Government Research and Development Fund. The investment must total EUR 2.2 million in total (AED 9 million)
  • Possess a clean criminal history.
  • Prior to requesting a Golden Visa, make the investment.
  • Money should be transferred from abroad for the investment.

How to Apply

  • Use a standard entry visa to enter the country.
  • Send your application to the Cypriot Ministry of Interior, and that ministry will confer with the Ministry of Finance to decide how to proceed.
  • The Council of Ministers will be notified of your application for approval.
  • A six-month residence permit will be issued to you, allowing you to remain in Cyprus and travel within and outside of the country while your application is being processed.
  • You will receive the Naturalization Certificate once the application is complete.
  • Once you have settled, you can apply for a Cypriot passport and an ID card at a nearby office.

Frequently Asked Questions

How much is dubai passport cost in Nigeria?

Nigerian nationals can obtain a Dubai visa quite easily through Oversac. Starting at Rs. 180 000, you can apply for a visa to travel to Dubai, and in only 4 working days, you’ll have it.

Can I get a Passport as a non citizen?

It is not possible to get a passport if your not a citizen of dubai.


It is important to know how much you will be paying to vet your passport and remember this article is written for those that are citizens of dubai and are qualified to get their passport.

You can’t have a passport of your not a citizen. Well in this article, we have been able to look at some things you should know about dubai passport before we looked at how much you will be paying just to get the passport of dubai.

Remember there are two types of passport, one for adults and one for minors and there are not of the same price.

If you want to keep seeing our articles or you want to be among the first people to know when we publish new articles, kindly leave a bookmark this website.

Here at myjobseurope, we would keep updating you with fresh contents to help you know the latest.

You can also leave a comment belownif you have any questions or suggestions and can also share this article with your friends across social media platforms. Good luck with your application.

South Africa Citizenship Test

Is There South Africa Citizenship Test?

South Africa Citizenship test is a like an examination that is given to those that want to be citizens of South Africa.

Well, the truth is that there are some ways people can become citizens of South Africa but when we talk about citizenship questions, it is rare to hear people talk about writing any test before you can become a citizen in South Africa.

Well, in this article, since there is no citizenship test, we are going to look at some of the questionsires that everyone who want to become a citizen of South Africa by naturalization and birth are expected to answer and attact it to their application form before submitting.

South Africa Citizenship Test Question

Here are some of the questions you will be expected to answer which will help the department of home affair know if your qualified to be a citizen or not.

Section 1

The first sections will come with you providing all the basic information about you like your name, age, country, gender, natural status, email, phone number etc.

Make sure that all the information that you are going to be providing for them are correct because they will also have to perform their own background check to be sure that all the informations you provided are all correct.

Section 2

The section two of this test deals with people who are claiming they are citizens by birth. Below are some of the questions you would likely answer.

  • Were you born inside South Africa ?
  • Were you born to one or more South African Citizen or South African Permanent Resident holder parent?
  • Were you born to a parent who worked for the South African Government or was an employee or representative or worked for an organisation of which South Africa was a member?
  • Were you adopted by a South African Citizen?
  • How did your parents obtain South African Citizenship?
  • Was one of your parents a South African Citizen at the time of your birth?
  • Did your parents ever renounce their South African Citizenship?
  • Did your parents ever take up a foreign Citizenship?
  • If so, which country did your parents take up foreign Citizenship of?
  • If your parents did acquire such foreign Citizenship, when did such acquisition take place?
  • On what basis did your parents obtain the entitlement to such foreign Citizenship?
  • Where were your parents at the time of acquisition of such Citizenship?
  • Did you ever renounce your South African Citizenship?
  • Did you ever take up a foreign Citizenship?
  • If so, which country did your parents take up foreign Citizenship of?
  • If so when did you acquire such Citizenship?
  • On what basis did you acquire such foreign Citizenship?
  • Where were you at the time of acquisition of such foreign Citizenship?
  • If your parents did acquire such foreign citizenship, when did such acquisition take place?
  • If so when did you acquire such citizenship?

Section 3

For those that want to be citizens of South Africa through Naturalization, here are some of the questions you need to answer.

  • Have you ever applied for naturalisation as a South African Citizen?
  • Were you deemed to be a South African citizen by registration before October 1995?
  • Have you ever received a certificate of Naturalisation?
  • If so, when did you receive such naturalisation certificate?
  • Are you the spouse of a South African Citizen?
  • If so, have you held permanent residence status in South Africa for more than two (2) years?
  • How long have you been resident in South Africa for?
  • Have you been absent from South Africa for long periods of time over the last five (5) years?
  • If yes, please provide details of your absence from South Africa during the last five (5) years

Frequently Asked Questions

Is it easy to get South Africa visa?

If you follow all their rules, you can easily get South Africa visa.


Here you have it, if you have any question, kindly leave a comment below and myjobseurope will be here to help you.

Cuba Visa price

How Much Does it Cost To Get Cuba Visa

Cuba Visa price will help you make a good budget when your planning to travel to the beautiful country and have some good time.

Most visitors from other countries need a Cuba visa in order to travel there. Each and every nationality whose visit to Cuba requires a visa must have a Cuba Tourist Card, often known as a visa, before embarking on their journey.

Located where the Caribbean Sea, Gulf of Mexico, and Atlantic Ocean converge, Cuba is a nation in the northern Caribbean. Isla de la Juventud, as well as several smaller archipelagos, make up Cuba.

It is a well-liked vacation spot for travelers interested in colonial architecture, Cuba’s history, and the country’s beautiful beaches.

Well, in this article, we are going to give you the amout of money you need to pay before you can be given a visa to Cuba.

Also we would give you some other information you should know about Cuba travel like the requirements. Let’s go!!!

Cuba Visa Price

A non-refundable Cuba visa application fee is required of each and every applicant.

Depending on the application procedure, the fee varies in price.

If you submit your application in person at a consular office in Cuba, you simply need to pay the application cost, which might be between $25 and $75. The additional postal fees are your responsibility if you submit your application by mail.

In addition to the actual visa fee, you must also pay service fees if you submit an online application through a visa application firm.

How To Apply For Cuba Visa

You must submit an application for a Cuban visa at the closest Cuban representation overseas (consulate or embassy). You must apply by sending the necessary paperwork directly to the consulate, either in person or by mail.

However, the Cuban government also permits applicants to obtain a Cuba visa online, through recognized visa application businesses or travel agencies.

Obtaining a Cuban visa at the airport just before departure is an additional option. However, in this instance, there is a risk because not all airports provide this option.

How Long Before You Can Get Cuba Visa

The length of time it takes to get a Cuban visa varies on a variety of variables, including the consulate where you submit your application, the season, and your individual circumstances.

On the other hand, processing time for a Cuban visa is often 30 days. Because of this, it is recommended that you apply for a visa a few weeks to a month before your intended trip.

This process may be sped up, but at a higher expense. If you submit your application through an agency, you may be able to.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I need visa if I’m traveling by sea?

You do, indeed. Regardless of the manner of entry, if you ordinarily need a visa to enter Cuba, you must apply for one.


Getting a Cuba visa is very important if you want to enter Cuba and we have explained to you here how much you need to pay.

To keep up with us and know when we publish new articles, follow us here at myjobseurope.

Turkish Citizenship

How To Apply For Turkish Citizenship

Looking for how to apply for Turkish citizenship? Here is the article you need to ready to get started. Let’s go straight to the business of the day.

How to Apply For Turkish Citizenship

To apply for Turkish citizenship, you will need to meet certain requirements and follow specific steps, which may vary depending on your situation. Here is a general overview of the process:

1. Eligibility

To be eligible for Turkish citizenship, you must meet at least one of the following conditions:

You have legally resided in Turkey for five years without interruption.

You are married to a Turkish citizen and have been living together for at least three years.

You have made a significant investment in Turkey, such as purchasing real estate or making a capital investment.

You have exceptional talent or achievements in the fields of science, technology, culture, sports, or art.

2. Gather Required Documents

You will need to gather several documents, which may include:

  • A valid passport
  • A residence permit
  • Birth certificate
  • Marriage certificate (if applicable)
  • Criminal record certificate
  • Proof of Turkish language proficiency (for some cases)
  • Proof of financial resources (for some cases)

3. Application Process

Once you have gathered all necessary documents, you can submit your application through the Turkish consulate or embassy in your country of residence, or directly to the immigration office in Turkey.

4. Submit your application

You can submit your application at a local Directorate General of Migration Management (DGMM) office in Turkey. You will need to complete an application form and provide the necessary documents.

5. Attend an interview

You may be asked to attend an interview to verify your identity and to confirm that the information in your application is correct.

6. Wait for a decision

The decision on your application can take up to six months. If your application is approved, you will need to take an oath of allegiance to Turkey.

Who Can Apply For Turkish Citizenship

If you fall under the following categories, then you can apply.

  1. By birth: If at least one of your parents is a Turkish citizen, you may be eligible for Turkish citizenship.
  2. By marriage: If you are married to a Turkish citizen and have been living in Turkey for at least three years, you may be eligible to apply for Turkish citizenship.
  3. By investment: If you make a certain level of investment in Turkey, you may be eligible to apply for Turkish citizenship. The specific investment amount and criteria may vary over time, so it’s best to check with the relevant authorities for current information.
  4. By exceptional circumstances: In certain exceptional circumstances, such as those involving international people of renown, extraordinary services rendered to Turkey, or for other special reasons, you may be eligible to apply for Turkish citizenship.
  5. By residence: If you have legally lived in Turkey for at least five years, you may be eligible to apply for Turkish citizenship

Frequently Asked Questions

How much is Turkish citizenship cost?

it all depends on your means of application but you should have at least $250 and above.


It is important to note that the process and requirements for Turkish citizenship can change. Therefore, it is recommended that you check with the relevant authorities or seek professional advice before starting your application

You can also reach out to myjobseurope if you have any question about this topic through the comment section.

Dubai Passport application

How To Apply For UAE Passport

Dubai Passport application is very simple if you follow all the instructions we are going to give you in this article.

When your passport is about to expire the best you cam do is to get it renewed without any excuse because failure to do that will either prevent you from travelling or prevent you from returning back to your destination and you might face deportation.

It is always important to check your passport and know when it is about to expire so that you can start the renewal process very early.

In this article, we are going to show you how you can apply for United Arab Emiriate passport without any much struggle.

Secondly, for you to understand everything we are going to talk about here, we would first start by giving you the little meaning of se of the terms we are going to use here. Let’s get started!!

What is Dubai Passport?

The United Arab Emirates Passport is a legal document that will be given from the government of UAE to their citizens to give them the freedom to travel out of the country without restrictions.

There are still some countries that you can enter and youndont even need visa but just your passport.

Recently, the emirate changed their passport and gave it a new design and we are going to give you some of the features of UAE New passport.

Some of the Features of the Dubai New passport

Here are some of the things you will get in the new passport of United Arab emirate;

1. Generic Deaigns

Each type of passport has a representation of the United Arab Emirates’ flag in the center of the front cover.

Passports that were afterwards issued included the updated symbol, which was changed in 2008.

Above the coat of arms is the phrase “United Arab Emirates” (written in Arabic calligraphy as “الامارات العربية المتحدة” and in English).

Regular passports include the Arabic lettering “جواز سفر” and the word “PASSPORT” in English underneath the coat of arms.

Each type of passport has a representation of the United Arab Emirates’ flag in the center of the front cover.

Passports that were afterwards issued included the updated symbol, which was changed in 2008. Above the coat of arms is the phrase “United Arab Emirates” (written in Arabic calligraphy as “الامارات العربية المتحدة” and in English).

Regular passports include the Arabic lettering “جواز سفر” and the word “PASSPORT” in English underneath the coat of arms.

Below the coat of arms, special passports include the Arabic letters “جواز سفر خاص” and the words “SPECIAL PASSPORT” in English calligraphy.

Below the coat of arms, diplomatic passports contain “DIPLOMATIC PASSPORT” written in English and Arabic calligraphy.

The bottom of a biometric passport displays the biometric passport e-passport emblem EPassport logo.svg.

The final page of each biometric passport, which has 62 pages overall, contains encrypted biometric information that prevents falsification.

2. Language Change

With the exception of a white label on the almost last page of the passport, which displays the symbol of the United Arab Emirates Ministry of Interior and records the citizen’s military-specific claim number and uniform number, the data/information page is printed bilingually in Arabic and English.

3. The Physical Appearance

The initial and last pages are constructed of sturdy paper that is thicker than that of the old passport, allowing them to last until the passport expires in good condition.

The Sheikh Zayed Mosque’s outside is depicted in watercolor on the first page, while the mosque within, complete with domes and columns, is depicted in a drawing on the last page.

The information is printed and laminated on the passport identity page. One of the major problems with the old passports, name duplication, is addressed by the data in the new passports.

Requirements For Dubai Passport Application

Let’s talk about the requirements you need to bring to the table when your ready to apply for UAE passport.

  • You are to provide your former passport (if your have one before)
  • You have to proof that you have lived in UAE For the past 30 years
  • You have to proof that you are a citizen of the country by showing your identity
  • You have to show your family book
  • Your recent passport

The applicant must also provide their old passport in addition to the aforementioned document when applying for a new passport.

Dubai Passport Application

UAE nationals have a number of options for requesting new passports, passport renewals, or replacements for lost or damaged documents. These are:

1. eService

If your interested in applying for your visa through the eService, all you need to do is to follow the steps that is in their websites as they will go straight to the point.

2. You can obtain a passport from the General Directorate of Residency

This is another place you can also obtain your international passport and you won’t have to go to the embassy for any reason.

3. Foreigners Affairs/Citizenship Departments (GDRFA) Federal Authority for Identity and Citizenship, Customs and Port Security website.

For those that are abroad this is rhe place place to use when you want to applying for

Through the Federal Authority for Identity and Citizenship, Customs and Port Security’s eChannels Residency and Citizenship portal, applicants can also submit an online application.

4. Airports in Abu Dhabi, Sharjah, and Dubai

Airports in Abu Dhabi, Dubai, and Sharjah offer emergency passport renewal services. There is always someone to help.

5. Through the Embassy Abroad

Still for those abroad, this is the simplest way you can get your passport, simply go to the embassy close to you and start your application. Don’t forget to carry along the documents we mentioned above.

Frequently Asked Questions

Who is eligible for dubai passport?

All the citizens of the country are eligible to apply for their passport and a new born baby that is born in UAE.


That’s all you need to know about dubai passport appli actions.

If you have any questions or suggestions. Kindly leave a comment below and myjobseurope will be here to answer you.

Golden visa dubai benefits

What are The Advantages of Dubai Golden Visa

Golden visa dubai benefits are very much interesting and that is why we would love to talk more about it.

In a previous article, we talked about what Dubai Golden visa is, some of the requirements you have to meet up with and the process of application.

In this article, we are going to give you a more explanation of what dubai golden visa is and most especially benefits of getting the visa. Without further waste of time, let’s get started.

The UAE is exceptional. One of my favorite countries is Dubai in particular. Because it evolved into a well-known business hub, people refer to it as “The city of gold” Think about doing that job.

Amazing architecture and perfect weather every day. That is very fantastical sounding! But you have the power to make this dream a reality, you should apply for the Dubai Golden Visa because it offers so much.

You can make your own decision after we have explained everything to you about the Golden Visa.

What is Dubai Golden Visa?

Foreigners can live, work, do business, and study anywhere in the UAE thanks to the Golden Visa for Dubai system, which does not require them to be sponsored by a citizen of the UAE. Additionally, UAE law permits foreign investors and business owners to own 100% of their companies there. The automatic renewal of this visa, which is valid for five or ten years, is provided.

What Does A Dubai Golden Visa Offer?

The Golden Visa program essentially grants residents of the following specified groups long-term residency (5-year visas and 10-year visas): investors, business owners, people with exceptional talents, such as researchers and medical professionals, and outstanding students in the sciences and other fields of knowledge.

The golden visa is also important to Masdar City, the hub for innovation and technology development in the area that is focused on sustainability.

The Dubai General Directorate of Residency and Foreigners Affairs (GDRFA) has started implementing the recently announced “You are Special” service, which is available around-the-clock. Among other people, the agency intends to help Golden Visa holders.

Security would likely be a benefit of the Dubai Golden Visa. The UAE government has demonstrated its commitment by issuing the Golden Visa that gives expats and investors another reason to be confident about the future.

Requirements For Dubai Golden Visa

Let’s now look at the requirements that you ought to meet up with if you want to get the golden visa.

Another thing to keep in mind is that the requirements will vary because everybody is not going for the same kind of golden visa, so we would be looking at the categories available while taliing about the requirements

1. 10 years Golden Visa Holders

Only those who have at least AED 2 million in investments in the UAE are eligible to apply for a 10-year Golden Visa without a sponsor.

These can take the form of investment funds certified in the UAE, a commercial or industrial license from an investor, or a legal body whose memorandum of association specifies that it has a paid-up capital of at least AED 2 million Or the investor owns a business in the UAE and pays the Federal Tax Authority at least AED 250,000 in taxes each year.

2. 5 Years Golden Visa

Anyone in the UAE with real estate worth AED 2 million or more may apply for a 5-year Golden Visa. The properties, however, shouldn’t have any loans attached to them.

If they have a $1 million investment or a monthly income of AED 15,000, retired foreigners who are 55 years of age or older and do not meet the investor or person in business qualifying requirements may apply.

How Much Does A Dubai Golden Visa Cost

The kind of service you request and the visa category will have a significant impact on the cost of your Dubai Golden Visa. The cost of a Dubai Golden Visa varies depending on where in the UAE you apply.

The price of a Golden Visa UAE application outside of the UAE ranges from AED 3,800 to AED 4,800.

How To Apply

Follow all the steps we ate going are mention below to apply for your Dubai golden visa.

1. Go to the official website

The first step is very simple and understandable, Visit the website that you used to apply for the Dubai Golden Visa.

Let’s say you fall under one of the qualified categories, but you haven’t asked to be nominated.

When that happens, you have to submit your application through the “Visa – Golden Visa – Nomination Request For Golden Residence – New Request.” box.

Next, select the start service button, Your information is requested on an online form along with the category you believe qualifies you for nomination as a gifted person, high schools to ranked students in the UAE, and university graduates from approved institutions in the UAE.

You will also need to carry along your ID which had six digit number.

2. Take Time and Fill our The Application Form

The Dubai Golden Visa application form must then be completed. Information such as your name, current nationality, passport number, birth date, and occupation must be provided. You must also supply a working email address and your phone number.

3. Add All Your Documents To The Form

The necessary travel documents must then be attached. These papers may include your current passport, a passport-size photograph, evidence of your investment, and any other travel-related documents

4. Check All You have Presented

When you have submitted your application they will be no further means of application, you have to make sure that all the information you are going to be providing for the embassy are correct and the documents should also be yours.

5. Pay Your fee

Payment of your application fee is the next step you will take when you are following up your application.

Golden visa dubai benefits

  • Holders of Golden Visas in Abu Dhabi would be eligible for special deals and discounts on goods and services such real estate, healthcare, hotel, and banking.
  • Advantages of a Dubai golden visa. Holders of Abu Dhabi Golden Visas will receive discounts on a selection of properties from developer Imkan Properties under the commercial alliances of the Abu Dhabi Residents Office.
  • Visa in gold Banks in Dubai, such as First Abu Dhabi Bank and Abu Dhabi Commercial Bank, provide real estate investors with reduced mortgage fixed-interest rates.

Frequently Asked Questions

How long does it take to get dubai golden visa?

At least 30 days before you can get the visa

How much is dubai golden visa?

AED 3,800 to AED 4,800 is what you will pay


Thats it, you can follow all we have suad here to get started.

To keep getting this kind of content, kindly leave a comment below.

Dubai on Arrival

What To Know About Dubai on Arrival

Dubai visa on Arrival is not given to everyone but to some countries that dubai or the United Arab Emirate believes is qualified.

Dubai is good place to visit for a short period and even to work they have good opportunities for foreigners.

Visa on arrival is always given to people that are going to dubai to stay in the country for a short period like 30days and if extended can be 60days.

In this article, we are going to give you every information you need to know about dubai Visa on arrival. Keep reading this post to fins out more.

What is Dubai Visa on Arrival?

When you arrive in Dubai, you can apply for a VOA, a service provided by the United Arab Emirates (UAE) Immigration, without having to make any prior arrangements.

It is a temporary visa of this kind. After you get off the plane, officials at the immigration desk stamp your passport with a Dubai Visa On Arrival.

Only foreign nationals from a select few nations are eligible for the visa. The processing of a VOA for Dubai is done while you wait and does not have a processing time.

Who Is Eligible For Dubai Visa on Arrival

The countries we are going to mention below are the countries that are qualified for Dubai visa on Arrival. See the list below.

We are going list the eligible countries according to how many days you can stay in duabi with visa on arrival.

1. 90 Days Visa on Arrival

Argentina, Austria, Bahamas Islands, Barbados, Belgium, Brazil, Bulgaria, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, El Salvador, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Honduras, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Kiribati, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Maldives, Malta, Montenegro, Nauru, Netherlands, Norway, Paraguay, Peru, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russian Federation, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, San Marino, Serbia, Seychelles, Slovakia, Slovenia, Solomon Islands, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Uruguay

2. 30 Days Visa on Arrival

Andorra, Australia, Brunei, Canada, China, Hong Kong, Japan, Kazakhstan, Macau, Malaysia, Mauritius, Monaco, New Zealand, Republic of Ireland, San Marino, Singapore, Ukraine, United Kingdom and Northern Ireland, United States of America, Vatican City

3. 180 Days Visa on Arrival

For those that are holding Mexican passport, you will be allowed to stay in dubai for 180 and they will be no room for extension when the 180 days elapses.

Though the people of 30days can request extension but before you can do that, you have to request for a long stay permit which will allow you to stay for long time in the country.

Requirements For Visa on Arrival

For your Dubai tourist visa, no particular documents are needed (VOA). The following should be present, though:

  • Passport (minimum of 6 months validity) (minimum of 6 months validity)
    Return flight booking
  • If you’re applying for a visa and it costs money, you can pay the fee with cash or a credit card.

How to Get Dubai Visa on Arrival

The procedure for obtaining a visa upon arrival is quite simple. You must proceed to the immigration desk in Dubai after you disembark your aircraft.

You must participate in biometric processes and they will help you with the application process.

Your fingerprints are required as part of the biometric process, and the immigration authorities could also take a picture of you.

The immigration authorities will stamp your passport with the UAE visa after you’ve gone through the biometric processes and will update it on the ICA and AMER systems.

After that, you can get your luggage, leave the airport, and start your vacation in Dubai.

Will I Get Visa On Arrival Everytime I Enter and Exit

Unfortunately, not all on-arrival visa categories provide this advantage. 30-day on-arrival visa holders are allowed to come and go without getting a new visa.

You cannot use this service if you have another type of on-arrival visa. A new free on-arrival visa can only be obtained by people who have been absent from the country for six months or more. A visa for arrival is only able to be issued by immigration officers.

Can a US Greencard Holder Get Visa On ArrivL?

Depending on the country of origin of your passport, you may be eligible for the corresponding Dubai visa on arrival for holders of US green cards if you are from one of the nations listed above.

Can I Be Allowed to Fly Without Tourist Visa

This response is debatable. You won’t know unless you get in touch with your airline and inquire about if they’ll let you board without a visa. The majority of airlines don’t mind it, but call to double-check.

What is Dubai 14 Days Visa on Arrival

The arrival-only 14-day visa allows for only one entrance. It follows that you can only visit Dubai once. An Indian passport holder’s visa for Dubai obtained at the airport is good for 14 days after being issued.

Failure to leave the nation or renew your visa will result in a fine. Your visa is good for 28 days even if you extend your stay.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do US citizens need visa on arrival?

Yes, every citizen of the United state can get Visa on arrival to dubai when they have decided to have a good time at the country.

What happens if I’m not available for Dubai visa on Arrival?

Well, it is not everyone that ade eligible to get Visa on arrival, we have equally given you the list of countries that are eligible, if yours is not among, kindly apply for tourist visa.


Going to dubai with with visa on arrival is just like someone who is going with tourist visa, the only difference between the two is that one is given when you arrive the Country while the other one is given before you can even enter the country.

That’s all you need to know for now about dubai Visa on arrival and if you follow all we have said and your eligible, then you won’t have any issue with your application.

Keep following myjobeurope to know when we upload any fresh articles about any visa related article and other articles that you may like.

Also, don’t forget to leave a comment below if you have any questions or if you have any suggestions.

UAE citizenship by marriage

Can You Get UAE Citizenship By Marriage

UAE citizenship by marriage is simply one of the ways you can be a citizen of the United Arab Emirate by getting married to anyone who is from the country, either as a woman or as a man.

Today, we are going to explain to you how you can get UAE citizenship by marriage, the requirements involved in getting this done will also be explained and the benefits of getting UAE citizenship by marriage. Let’s get started.

For those that would love to be a citizen of United Arab Emirate through marriage, you know that there are some advantages and some requirements added to it, so without waste of time let’s get to know what citizenship by marriage is.

Citizenship cannot be conferred to foreigners who marry Emirati women. However, non-Emirati women who marry Emirati males are eligible for citizenship if their union is recognized under UAE marriage law.

After seven years, if they produce children, the married woman will be qualified for a UAE passport. She has to wait for ten years if not.

Benefits of citizenship by marriage

It is obvious that having a UAE citizenship has certain benefits because expats make up roughly 90% of the country’s population. Among the advantages are the following:

  • The ability to retain a previous passport, which is prohibited in all other nations
  • Visa-free travel to at least 167 countries and the absence of personal income tax.
  • Additionally, individuals can open a business and purchase real estate in Dubai as well as submit their taxes privately.
  • Obtaining dual citizenship with the UAE

How To Get Dubai Citizenship Through Marriage

You must file an application for UAE citizenship with the local government of the Emirate in where you currently reside. In some circumstances, forms are accessible online, but you’ll still need to show up in person for meetings to process your application.

It’s a good idea to have a local attorney or immigration specialist assist you with your application because the requirements are challenging and complicated.

Citizenship Apication Fee

The Emirate where you are submitting your application will determine any application fees. It will cost money to engage an agent to help you negotiate the system, and it will cost money to have any documents translated or verified as part of your application.

If you need to send money overseas to pay for expenses, your bank could overcharge you by utilizing a subpar exchange rate and tacking on administrative fees.

A better choice is to utilize Transferwise, which will handle your transfer using the genuine currency rate with only a small, transparent fee if you have access to a UAE bank account or know someone who does.

Getting Your UAE passports

You can apply for a UAE passport once your citizenship has been established. Information on how to apply is posted online and is handled by the Emirate.

For instance, residents of Abu Dhabi can apply for a passport in as little as 15 minutes for AED 55.

There are additional fees to pay because obtaining a passport is a separate process from obtaining citizenship, so if you are unfamiliar with the UAE’s currency and banks, you should do some research.

You’ll need to be very patient throughout the procedure as obtaining Emirati citizenship is a difficult task.

With the appropriate guidance and some forward planning, though, it is achievable, and the effort will undoubtedly pay off. Success in obtaining UAE citizenship!

Requirements For UAE Citizenship by Marriage

If you want to become a citizen through marriage, we would talk about their requirments in two ways.

1. For Non Muslims

The following conditions must be met in order to form a civil union:

  • Both parties should have reached legal age, which is at least 18 years old.
  • Should have given their free permission.
  • To confirm that they are not currently married to anybody else, both parties must sign a declaration form.
  • A signed and completed marriage application form, along with a copy of a passport or Emirates ID (of both parties)
  • Evidence that no existing marriages are listed in public records (for both parties)
  • Contract for marriage (optional).

A premarital screening certificate or the consent of the applicant’s father or legal guardian are not prerequisites for a civil marriage.

How To Apply

You can submit an application online, through the Interactive Case Registration (ICR) tool on the Judicial Department-Abu Dhabi website, or in person by going to the Family Court building in Zayed Sports City, Abu Dhabi.

A non-Muslim Family Court was formed in Abu Dhabi to hear and decide family disputes involving non-Muslims

2. Muslim Marriage

Here are the conditions you must meet before you can get citizenship through marriage by Islamic means.

  • She need to have a letter from her embassy that supports her marriage if it is a girl from another country
  • In the UAE, a marriage contract must be registered in a Sharia court.
  • 18 Hijri years is the legal age for marriage; if not, a judge’s permission is needed.
  • The judge’s approval is required if one spouse is twice the other’s age.
  • A certificate of premarital screening is required.
  • The pair is required to attend.
  • Two male Muslim witnesses must also be present, as well as the bride’s father or his representative.
  • A woman requires her guardian’s permission to get married.
  • When a father passes away, it is necessary for the oldest brother or the next closest male relative to be there.
  • Widowed and divorced women are required to present documentation of their status.
  • If the groom is not Muslim and the bride is, get approval from her religious community in support of the marriage

General Requirements For UAE Citizens

  • The highest dowry amount for UAE citizens is AED 50,000. The upfront payment is AED 20,000.
  • Male nationals who are in the armed forces, work for the ministry of foreign affairs, or are police officers who want to wed an expat must first get special approval from their employers.
  • If a guy from Ajman marries a lady from outside the GCC, he must get the Sharia Court’s blessing first.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can a Dubai citizen marry a foreigner?

Yes, it is possible but you will get approval from the local court


We believe we have done justice to this topic and if you require more information, you can leave a comment below and myjobeurope will be here to help you.

German Passport

How to Apply For German Passport

In this article, we are going to show you the step by step guide on how you can apply for German Passport easily.

How To Apply For German Passport

If you are a German citizen and want to apply for a German passport, you can follow these steps:

  • Find out where to apply: You can apply for a German passport at any German embassy or consulate abroad or at the local passport office in Germany.
  • Collect the required documents: You will need to provide the following documents:
  • Completed passport application form (which can be downloaded from the website of the German Foreign Office or obtained from a German embassy or consulate)
  • Two identical biometric passport photos
  • Proof of German citizenship (such as a German birth certificate or a German citizenship certificate)
  • Current or previous passport (if applicable)
  • Proof of identity (such as a German identity card, a driving license or a residence permit)
  • Payment for the passport fee (which varies depending on the age of the applicant and the validity period of the passport)
  • Submit the application: Submit your application in person at a German embassy or consulate, or at the local passport office in Germany.
  • Wait for processing: Processing time for a German passport is typically around 4-6 weeks. If you apply at a German embassy or consulate, it may take longer to process.
  • Collect your passport: Once your passport is ready, you can collect it in person from the place where you applied or request it to be sent to your home address.

It’s worth noting that the process may vary slightly depending on where you are applying from, so it’s a good idea to check with the specific embassy or consulate before submitting your application

German Passport Cost

The cost of a German passport depends on several factors, such as the age of the applicant, the validity of the passport, and whether it’s a renewal or a first-time application. As of my knowledge cutoff of September 2021, the fees for German passports are as follows:

  • Standard 32-page passport for adults (age 24 and over): €60
  • Standard 32-page passport for minors (under age 24): €37.50
  • 48-page passport for frequent travelers: €82
  • Temporary passport: €26

These fees are subject to change, so it’s best to check the official website of the German Federal Foreign Office for the latest information.

Additionally, there may be additional fees for expedited processing, express delivery, or other services.

German Passport Processing Time

The processing time for a German passport can vary depending on a few factors, such as the location of the passport office, the time of year, and the volume of applications being processed.

In general, the processing time for a standard adult passport in Germany is approximately 4-6 weeks from the time of application.

However, this timeframe can be longer during peak travel seasons, such as summer, and shorter during off-peak periods.

If you need your passport more quickly, you may be able to request an expedited processing time, which can typically be done in 3 business days.

However, this service is usually only available for emergency situations, and additional fees may apply.

It’s always a good idea to plan ahead and apply for your passport well in advance of your planned travel dates to avoid any last-minute complications or delays

Frequently Asked Questions

Where are German passports issued by?

Local municipal registration office


German Passport application processes have been explained here and all the information you need are all here.

Contact myjobseurope if you have any questions or you want to make a suggestion.

Dubai Visa Free Countries

List of Dubai Visa Free Countries

Dubai Visa Free Countries are up to 120 and what we mean here is that you as a Dubai passport holder, you can be able to enter these Countries without visa but just your passport.

Dubai is a great country and also has a strong passport that is why they can go to so many countries without visa but just passport.

Just as they are Countries that will allow someone with dubai passport to enter their country, there are also some countries that can also enter Dubai without being asked for anything like visa.

In this article, we are going to give you the list of those countries and some other information that you should know.

Dubai Free Visa Countries

Here we are going to talk about the countries that dubai passport holders can enter without visa. We are going to put them according to their continent.

1. Europe

There are some countries in Europe that can enter dubai visa free, see the list below.

62 nations, including the UAE, are exempt from Germany’s visa requirements. Those on the list are permitted entry and a 90-day stay within a six-month period in Germany.

Travelers entering the UAE are prohibited from working during their stay but are permitted to conduct business. Other country are;

  • Albania
  • Andorra
  • Armenia
  • Austria
  • Azerbaijan
  • Belarus
  • Belgium
  • Bosnia and Herzegovina
  • Bulgaria
  • Croatia
  • Cyprus
  • Czech Republic
  • Denmark
  • Estonia
  • Finland
  • France
  • Greece
  • Hungary
  • Iceland
  • Ireland
  • Italy
  • Kosovo
  • Latvia
  • Liechtenstein
  • Lithuania
  • Luxembourg
  • Malta
  • Moldova
  • Monaco
  • Montenegro
  • Netherlands
  • North Macedonia
  • Norway
  • Poland
  • Portugal
  • Romania
  • San Marino
  • Serbia
  • Slovakia
  • Slovenia
  • Spain
  • Sweden
  • Switzerland
  • Ukraine
  • Vatican City

2. Middle East

The major cou try to loom at in middle east is Jordan.

One of the few nations that can enter Jordan without a visa is the UAE. Visitors visiting the UAE must make sure that the validity of their passport lasts six months beyond the time they would be there. A 30-day stay without a visa is permitted.

Petra is a must-see when in Jordan, but you shouldn’t skip out on other activities like exploring Wadi Rum or taking a mud bath at the Dead Sea.

  • Bahrain
  • Kuwait
  • Lebanon
  • Oman
  • Qatar
  • Saudi Arabia

3. Asia

Due to Thailand’s visa waiver policy, visitors from the UAE and 63 other nations are also able to enter the country without a visa.

When entering Thailand through land borders or international airports, visitors are only permitted to stay for a total of 30 days. Here are the list of other countries in Asia;

  • Brunei
  • China
  • Hong Kong (SAR China)
  • Indonesia
  • Japan (From 1 November 2022)
  • Kazakhstan
  • Kyrgyzstan
  • Malaysia
  • Maldives
  • Nepal
  • Philippines
  • Singapore
  • South Korea
  • Uzbekistan

4. America

Holders with UAE passports can enter Chile without a visa. For either business, vacation, or transit-related reasons, a stay cannot exceed 90 days.

Most visitors from countries without visa requirements will simply need to show a current passport.

Visa-free nations in the Americas include:

  • Argentina
  • Brazil
  • Colombia
  • Costa Rica
  • Ecuador
  • El Salvador
  • French Guiana
  • Guatemala
  • Mexico
  • Nicaragua
  • Panama
  • Peru
  • Uruguay

5. Africa

Visas are not required to enter the Seychelles, As a result, all foreign visitors to Seychelles are permitted entry without a visa as long as they have a current passport, a ticket for their next destination or a return flight, a valid hotel reservation, and enough money in their bank accounts.

All new immigrants will receive a visitor’s permit, which is initially valid for three months and can be renewed for a cost for an additional three months, up to a maximum of twelve months overall.

Other African Countries in the same category are;

  • Botswana
  • Burkina Faso
  • Central African Republic
  • Chad
  • Egypt
  • Eswatini
  • The Gambia
  • Mali
  • Mauritius
  • Mayotte
  • Morocco
  • Reunion
  • Sao Tome and Principe
  • South Africa
  • Sudan

6. Caribbean

For brief stays, the Antiguan-Barbudan immigration authorities do not demand visas from tourists from a variety of nations, including the UAE.

Please be aware that both holiday and business travelers are excluded from the visa requirement.

Most people can stay for a maximum of six months, while the maximum stay time varies based on their country of origin. See the complete list below.

  • Aruba
  • Bahamas
  • Barbados
  • Bonaire; St. Eustatius and Saba
  • Curacao
  • Dominica
  • Dominican Republic
  • French West Indies
  • Grenada
  • Haiti
  • St. Kitts and Nevis
  • St. Lucia
  • St. Maarten
  • St. Vincent and the Grenadines
  • Turks and Caicos

7. Oceania

There is no prerequisite for obtaining a visa ahead of time for travelers to the Cook Islands.

As long as they have a passport that is still valid for at least six months after the expected length of their trip, they will instead be given a visitors permit when they arrive. A stay of up to 31 days will be possible with this. See the full list below;

  • Fiji
  • French Polynesia
  • Micronesia
  • Nauru
  • New Caledonia
  • Niue
  • Solomon Islands
  • Tonga

From all we have explained above, you can see that there are a lot of countries that a Dubai passport holders can go without visa in all the continent.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I get UAE visa in one day?

It is possible for you to enter Dubai with a visa you got on that same day. That type of visa is rather considered as an express visa, with this type of visa you can stay in dubai for a short period like 14 days, 30 days and at most 90 days then you can leave the country.

How long is dubai visa process?

First you must have or keep in mind that when you have concluded with your application, the next thing you need to do is to give them time to process your visa and get back to you.

The embassy will usually request from 3 to 4 working days and it is subject to change depending on the case at hand, it can be higher or lower.


We have already explained to you all you need to know about this topic and the reason why we had bring out our time to explain this to you is because it is important for you to countries that you can enter with just your Dubai passport .

You don’t have to wait anymore, if your Dubai passport holder, you can start traveling to any of the above-mentioned countries without visa.

Here at myjobeurope, we would keep updating you on the latest if they is any update.

Leave a comment below if you have any questions at all.